What Happens After Eczema Treatment

You might think after undergoing eczema treatment that it will never happen again. Well, it does and these are called flare ups. You have to remember that eczema itself cannot be cured but there are ways to prevent it from coming back.

If you happen to suffer from facial eczema, you can prevent it by washing your face regularly with a nondrying facial cleanser or facial moisturizer. Just be sure that it reads noncomedogenic or oil-free. When you go out, make sure you are only using hypoallergenic makeup and sunscreens.

Eczema does not happen only in the face so you should know how to protect your skin. The best way to do this is to avoid substances that stress your skin and some of these include drying soaps, detergents, fragranced lotions and certain household cleaners. You may have to switch to another brand but at least you are sure that you will not experience any flare ups.

They say that keeping your skin moist is good but did you know that water is not the answer? This is because too much water can dry out your skin. If you need to take bath, make sure it is warm and not too hot. If you have to do the dishes, wear gloves to protect your hands which will be immersed in water for a long period of time. When you are done taking a bath or washing the dishes, pat your skin dry with a coarse towel.

But is water really that bad? The answer is no. Studies have shown that water does not cause flare ups. It is the water that evaporates which you have to worry about.

The clothes you wear may also cause flare-ups and a good example of this is wool. To prevent that, you have change your wardrobe with clothes made of cotton.

You will also need to moisturize your skin. The best ones to use are fragrance-free moisturizers like petroleum jelly which prevents the skin from becoming irritated and cracked.

We told you earlier that eczema cannot be cured. This means it is still there waiting to appear again so resist the urge to scratch the itch. Doing so will make it more difficult for the skin to heal and if there is a break in the skin, bacteria can get in causing an infection.

As much as possible, keep you body cool because sudden changes in the temperature, sweating or becoming overheated causes flare-ups.

If you were given medication by your dermatologist, continue taking them as directed.

The last thing to do after eczema treatment is to relax because stress is another trigger factor associated with eczema.

Seeing a doctor and then applying cream, lotion or treatment does not mean that eczema will not happen again because it does come back. It is only by practicing proper post eczema treatment that you will be able to hold it at bay given that there is no cure for this skin condition.

The good news is that if you are successful in keeping eczema at bay, whatever happened to you will usually clear up before the age of 25 so no one will know that this ever happened. So until then, think smart and get help so can make the most of post eczema treatment.

Wet Wrap Therapy Can Be Used As Eczema Treatment

When ointments, creams and medications are not effective as forms of eczema treatment, perhaps it is time you consider wet wrap therapy. This kind of therapy is able to provide immense relief and at the same time moisturize the sooth and itchy skin. But what is wet wrap therapy?

Wet wrap therapy is all about wrapping wet bandages around the sore skin. It is a mixture of warm water and a special moisturizer and before you wrap yourself up, you have to soak yourself first in a bath with emollient oil so the skin will soon become moist. In cases when the eczema is severe, you can apply anti-itching cream first.

This type of therapy can be used on any part of the body including the face. To make it effective, the wet bandages should be wrapped over dry ones.

The advantage of wet wrap therapy is that it can rehydrate the damaged skin, make you sleep better, reduce the itching you feel and decrease the redness on your skin. This also prevents secondary infection because sometimes, you have the urge to scratch the affected area and without protection, you are sure to make things worse.

Such benefits have been proven in various studies. One study shows that 74% of children who underwent wet wrap therapy reduced their itching habits after just a week. Another study shows that children were able to sleep better because with the help of the moisturizer, they didn’t feel the need to scratch.

The only negative thing about wet wrap therapy is the preparation time. Children are not able to sit still for a long period of time making it difficult for whoever is wrapping them with the bandage. Another challenge is adjusting to the sensation of a wet bandage around their body which is quite understandable given that this is not something we are not accustomed to. In the end, you get used to it.

Luckily, for those who are impatient, an alternative will be to moisten your pajamas or whatever clothing you are using. Keep in mind that the temperature in the room must not be too cold because you are already feel cold due to the wet bandages.

Unlike light therapy that is used to treat eczema, this type of treatment is only done for a week or two. During that time, you have to keep the skin hydrated throughout the day with the help of a moisturizer. To make sure that the treatment is effective, you also have to stay away from allergens or other irritants that may cause eczema flare-ups.

Wet wrap therapy is not only used for mild eczema but also for severe atopic dermatitis. In fact, the advantages of this form of therapy are the same. Although doctors recommend it, there are those who are skeptic because of certain risks such as increased cutaneous infections and folliculitis.

Wet wrap therapy is just one of the many forms of eczema treatment now available. If ointments, creams or medication don’t work, ask your doctor about it. Just like the other treatments, this can be done at home with the help of a family member as long as they are properly taught how to wrap the bandage around you and take it off.

Supplements Are Also Useful for Eczema Treatment

Prevention is best defense against any disease or condition. But if it is already there, your doctor may recommend medication and at times even supplements which has been proven to help in eczema treatment.

Supplements are important in eczema treatment because there is research to suggest that the human body does not have sufficient amounts of fatty acids to combat this skin condition. While topical medications work from the outside and are then absorbed by the body, it will help to have something inside that also does it share to fight the skin condition.

Examples of these supplements are blackcurrant seed oil, evening primrose oil and starflower oil. Studies have shown that taking supplements that contain these ingredients reduces the number of flare ups and in some cases, reducing the severity and length of time compared to the last attack.

Taking it regularly also reduces dryness, inflammation, itching and scaliness which are the common symptoms of eczema.

A lot of studies have shown that fish oil is very useful in other health problems but in the case of eczema, it has not shown any significant effect. The casing point is Gamma-linolenic acid or GLA which is an omega 6 fatty acid. While the results of studies are mixed, the only thing it can do is reduce the severity of symptoms.

It has been proven that certain foods may trigger eczema in a patient. To prevent this from happening again, changes have to be made in the diet. It will also help if you take supplements that contain Vitamin B.

Certain herbs are also useful for eczema treatment. Two examples of these include liquorice root and witch hazel. Liquorice root is helpful because it contains glycyrrhizinic acid that also helps reduce the symptoms of eczema. Witch hazel on the other hand contains phosphatidylcholine.

Liquorice root may be taken internally or applied topically while witch hazel can only be applied to the skin. Other herbs which may be used if either of these is unavailable include burdock root, German chamomile, golden rod, red clover, roman chamomile and stinging nettle.

Babies are at risk of eczema and one way to treat it is with probiotics. While this good bacteria is already found in our body, infants do not have sufficient amounts of this yet which is why mothers are encourage to breastfeed. Since eczema can also happen later on in life, the best supplement to have is found in a bottle of Yakult which has the Lactobacillus casei Shirota strain.

If you think that applying and swallowing the supplement is the only way to get eczema treatment, think again because sulfur is a little bit different. You have to bathe yourself in sulfur to get the desired results. This is because it contains keratin that is a protein that can strengthen your hair, nails and skin. Take note that a sulfur bath is not recommended for children.

There are many ways to get eczema treatment. If you have this condition, you should consult with your doctor so you know what severe is your condition. It is only after getting yourself diagnosed that the proper treatment can be administered so that even though there is no cure for it, you are able to reduce it severity and make sure that flare ups do not occur.

Oral Eczema Treatment

In cases where topical eczema treatment is not successful, doctors may prescribe oral eczema treatment. You may be prescribed one of the following namely antibiotics, antihistamines, corticosteroids and cyclosporine.

The antibiotics given are designed to decrease the irritation caused by Staph bacteria. You will have to take it for the next 14 to 28 days. In cases where you have this condition repeatedly, you may need to take maintenance antibiotics.

Some examples of these antibiotics include Bactroban, Cephalosporins, Cloxacillin, Erythromycin and Fucidin.

Next you have antihistamines which are very helpful in reducing itch. Because the side effect of this is drowsiness, patients are advised to only take it at night. Studies have shown that this will also help with any urticarial component of eczema of this skin condition. Two of these that are commonly used include Doxepin and Hydroxyzine.

You might be wondering if there are antihistamines that do not cause drowsiness and yes there are. But in a study that compared drowsiness and non-drowsiness antihistamines, the one that does not cause drowsiness is not as effective in helping those who have eczema.

Third, you have corticosteroids. There are 4 types of these namely mild, moderate, potent and very potent. The severity of your skin condition will determine how long you have to take the medication. The more severe it is, the shorter the period of time because you may soon suffer from serious side effects such as avascular necrosis of the hip.

Fourth, you have Cyclosporine A or Neoral. This is only used when the first 3 oral medications do not work. What makes this drug so powerful is that it prevents the immune system from sending special cells called lymphocytes into the affected areas of skin. By doing this, it reduces inflammation.

Doctors will usually start by giving you a 3mg. dosage per day and a maximum of 5kg. because of the side effects like hypertension, renal problems and the susceptibility of patients to other types of infections including skin cancer.

Whichever oral medication you are given, it is best to take this with food right after a meal. The only exception is the antihistamine since you have to take this at least 30 minutes before you go off to sleep.

You should follow the dosage as prescribed and if you miss taking one, don’t try to take the one scheduled for that day and the one you missed at the same time.

If the medication is working, your doctor will gradually reduce the dosage given and not suddenly. While there are known side effects, you just have to bear with it.

Some of oral medication for eczema can be purchased from the pharmacy without a prescription. Before you go out and get one, better check first with your doctor to make it is safe especially if the one who has the skin disorder is an infant.

Oral eczema treatment is sometimes used with topical products. If you do not see any improvements, perhaps it is time to find other options. You can try wet wrap therapy, light therapy, tar therapy and a list of other options once you have consulted your doctor.

Just remember that although eczema treatment is available, none of these will make it go away permanently so preventive measures must be taken seriously.

Natural Treatment for Eczema

Eczema treatment can be done without the use of medication. In fact, there are natural treatments available and you just have to know what these are.

The first natural remedy is probiotics. This is good bacteria and we have this inside our bodies. It suppresses the growth of bad or harmful bacteria in our system, influences our immune function and strengthens the digestive tract's protective barrier.

Since there are not enough probiotics inside the digestive tract of infants, nursing mothers are encouraged to breast filled their babies as the milk also contains galacto-oligosaccharides that help probiotics grow in the body especially during the first six months.

Studies have shown that over a two year period, infants that are breast fed have less risk of suffering from eczema later on in life.

Children and adults can also drink probiotics. A good example of this is Yakult which is made from a mixture of skimmed milk powder, sugar and water that is ultra-heat treated and then fermented using a live probiotic strain called Lactobacillus casei Shirota.

You can buy this in the grocery and now, there are two types to choose from namely Yakult Original and Yakult Light. Both contain Lactobacillus casei Shirota in equal amounts, but the Light version has less sugar. So you know which is which, Yakult Original has a red lid while Yakult Light is the one in the blue.

We know that there are creams and ointments available to treat eczema. But did you know that there are products made of natural ingredients? You can find some made from herbal extracts of chamomile, licorice and witch hazel.

But before you try any topical herbal product, check first with your doctor if it is safe for you to use because some herbs like chamomile may cause dermatitis.

Aside from applying the natural product to your skin, you can also take it in orally. There are supplements around that can help treat and prevent eczema. Some examples of these include evening primrose oil with a dose of 500mg. daily, MaxEPA fish oils 1,000 mg. three times a day, Vitamin C and bioflavonoids both 1,000 mg daily, Vitamin A 10,000 I.U. daily and Zinc 50 mg. daily. You should also eat fish at least twice a week.

Taking a bath is also another natural form of eczema treatment. Instead of using soap and water, you will be using oatmeal. All you have to do is put in one or two cups into a tub of lukewarm water. Afterwards, you will need to apply a moisturizer on your damp skin to keep it moist.

If you don’t like the idea of taking a bath in oatmeal, try mixing one-teaspoonful of comfrey root, one-teaspoon of slippery elm bark, one-teaspoon of white bark, and two cups of water together in a bowl. After boiling it for 35 minutes and giving it some time to cool, get a face towel and wash this over the affected skin. It may not remove the itch but it can help decrease the urge to scratch it which is important because scratching could just make things worse.

Eczema treatment can be done naturally, with creams or ointments and medication. The important thing to keep in mind when you choose to use any of these products is that it must work.

Is an Eczema Treatment Using Antihistamines the Best for You?

Antihistamines are used to suppress the body’s natural production of histamines. When one is exposed to certain allergens – substances that cause allergic reactions – the body produces histamines as part of its defense systems. This is why an eczema treatment may sometimes include antihistamines to lessen the symptoms of the skin disease, such as inflammation, reddening and itching of the affected areas.

However, antihistamines interfere with the role of histamines in suppressing allergic reactions. So if you are suffering from eczema, you might as well give scrambling to your doctor’s clinic right away to get a prescription a second thought. Antihistamines may give you side effects even worse than the eczema symptoms you are trying to do away with. This is why many doctors recommend other forms of topical treatments for flare ups, such as ointments, foams, lotions and gels.

How do antihistamines work?

Certain organs in the body – the skin, lungs and the length of the digestive system – naturally contain high amounts of histamines. In fact, almost any of your bodily organs have them for defense. Aside from immune regulation, histamines also play other roles in the body such as:

* Secretion of digestive acids in the stomach
* Regulation of sexual response
* Regulation of sleep
* Relay and modulation of signals from one neuron cell to the other

As part of the body’s immune system, histamines trigger the pooling of blood supply in areas where foreign or invading organisms are present, such as in injured body parts like wounds. This is to supply larger concentrations of everything needed for the body’s efficient healing. However, large concentrations of histamines in a given area also results to inflammation, reddening and itching – yes, just like the symptoms present during eczema flare ups. That is why certain treatments for eczema make use of antihistamines to get rid of such symptoms.

Can I use eczema medications with antihistamines?

Not just about everybody can take antihistamines. Many doctors advise people to steer clear of antihistamines if they have:

* Asthma
* Chronic bronchitis
* Hypertension
* Glaucoma
* Problems with the liver or kidney and other organs
* Any chronic illness

Histamines are also contraindicated for pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers, or if one is currently taking medications, be it conventional or all-natural. If you suffer from eczema and have one of the things mentioned earlier, then you should consider resorting to other modes of treatment for eczema, the ones that do not contain antihistamines.

Taking antihistamines for a long period of time can actually do more harm than good. It can cause histamine deficiency, which contributes to:

* Mouth ulcers
* Headaches
* Excessive hair growth
* Ringing in the ears
* Eye and ear problems
* Mental and emotional disorders such as schizophrenia

Half of the people classified as having schizophrenia, according to studies conducted, have low levels of histamines circulating in their blood stream. The depletion of histamines may be due to certain antipsychotic drugs prescribed for them. However, increasing the levels of histamines in their blood stream significantly improved their condition. Also, it is said that people with low levels of histamines usually experience anxiety, paranoia and hallucinations.

If you suffer from eczema at the same time with other conditions such as difficulty in breathing, you should consult your doctor for an eczema treatment other than that with antihistamines.

How to Deal with Eczema

Eczema treatment is possible but before we mention what these are, we should know what it is first.

Eczema is a dry skin condition that happens commonly among children. There are different degrees by which someone is affected and the only good news is that it is not contagious.

When you do have it, your skin will not only look dry but also itchy and red. In severe cases, there may be bleeding, crusting and weeping.

So how do we treat eczema? The first thing you have to do to prevent it from getting worse is not to scratch it because constant scratching causes the skin to bleed and split making it vulnerable to infection. Should this happen to you, there are oral and topical antibiotics available that can kill the bacteria.

Since this is easier said than done, you should apply creams and lotions over the affected area to keep the skin moist. The best time to apply it to the skin is after bathing so the moisture from the bath is still locked into the skin.

Another option is to apply cold compress. If this still does not work, then you can go to the drug store and apply nonprescription corticosteroid creams and ointments that are designed to reduce inflammation.

If the nonprescription corticosteroid creams and ointments are not effective, then it is time to try those that are prescribed by the doctor. You should know that there are some side effects and to prevent this from happening, you must limit the length of treatment time and the locations where this will be applied. Instead of topical prescribed medication, the doctor may even give you oral corticosteroids.

The creams and ointments mentioned will not be able to help if you have severe itching. For that, doctors will recommend sedative antihistamines that are available in both prescription and over-the-counter varieties. Since drowsiness is a common side effect, this is usually given during the evening so you will be able to get a good night’s sleep.

For those who want to use something else, they can try tar treatments and phototherapy. The only problem with tar treatments is the fact that it is messy.

The last resort for eczema treatment if nothing seems to work is a drug called cyclosporine A. This is designed to modify the body’s immune response at a price because it is known to have serious side effects.

But for people who are suffering from atopic dermatitis which is another form of eczema, there are two topical medications to choose from that have been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. These are namely tacrolimus and pimecrolimus which belong to a class of drugs called calcineurin inhibitors which work by modulating the immune response. The best part is that there are no side effects even during long term use.

Can eczema be prevented? The answer is yes. If you have children, make sure they are wearing breathable clothes like those made of cotton, use mild soaps when they bathe, keep their room clean from dust mites and avoid sudden temperature changes.

Eczema can happen at any age. Studies have shown that there are 15 million people in this country who have one form or another. The good news is that there is eczema treatment available. If over the counter creams, ointments and medications don’t work, consult with your dermatologist so something stronger can be given.